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Saturn Never Sleeps

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Saturn Never Sleeps

Saturn Never Sleeps has been played on NTS shows including Miss Modular, with The Machine Are The Stars first played on 19 July 2018.

Saturn Never Sleeps was originally created by music producer King Britt and artist Rucyl for two performances specifically dedicated to the music and sound of Sun-Ra. Inspired by the works of classic electronic innovators like Herbie Hancock, Raymond Scott and Delia Derbyshire, the experiment began July 2009 and continued every month at Painted Bride Art Center in Philadelphia, Pa and at the Knitting Factory in Brooklyn, NY. SNS is also an independent record label.

The live two person show consists of King…

The Machine Are The Stars
Saturn Never Sleeps
Saturn Never Sleeps2011
The Machine Are The Stars
Saturn Never SleepsSaturn Never Sleeps2011