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Victor Young

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Victor Young

Victor Young has been played on NTS in shows including Daisy Holiday w/ Haruomi Hosono, featured first on 7 October 2022. Songs played include Wyoming Sketches.

Victor Young (August 8, 1899 - November 10, 1956) was an American composer, violinist and conducter. He was born in Chicago.

Young began as a concert violinist but moved into the popular music sphere when he joined Ted Fiorito's orchestra. In the mid '30s he moved to Hollywood where he concentrated on film work as well as making a large number of recordings of light music and providing the backing for popular singers including Bing Crosby.

His composer credits include "When…

Wyoming Sketches
Victor Young, New Zealand Symphony Orchestra, Richard Kaufman
Koch International Classics1996
Wyoming Sketches
Victor Young, New Zealand Symphony Orchestra, Richard KaufmanKoch International Classics1996