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The Rise

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The Rise

The Rise has been played on NTS in shows including BFDM, featured first on 7 February 2022. Songs played include One Way In No Way Out.

The Rise was a five piece band from Austin, Texas, Their sound was a combination of metalcore, hardcore techno, post-hardcore and metal. Their freshman album Signal to Noise was released under Ferret Records in 2001 The band was last signed to ReIgnition Recordings and their latest album, Reclamation Process, was released as a free album for subscribers of Law Of Inertia, the rock mag product of Rise frontman Cory Kilduff, They toured constantly in 2001-2004, and broke up in…

One Way In No Way Out
The Rise
Pagoda Recordings2000
One Way In No Way Out
The RisePagoda Recordings2000