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Rotting Flesh

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Rotting Flesh

Rotting Flesh was first played on NTS on 7 April 2022. Songs played include Bloody Carnage (Human Flesh Exposed).

There is more than one band with this name:

1) Goregrind from Brazil 2) Atmospheric Black/Death Metal from Greece 3) Deathgrind from Mexico 4) Death Metal from Sweden 5) Death Metal from Chile (a.k.a. Rötting Flesh)

1- Brazilian Death/Goregrind band formed in 1990. Releases: "Infanticious Monstrosities" single'93 "Submandible Limphatic Muscles" Full-lenght '95.

2- Atmospheric Black metal from Greece. Rotting Flesh formed back in the early 90's.They have released 6 demos and 3 promo tapes.Also they have released 1 official album from Sleaszy Rider Records.Also we have done a lot of gigs with bands such as…

Bloody Carnage (Human Flesh Exposed)
Rotting Flesh
Nuclear Abominations2019
Bloody Carnage (Human Flesh Exposed)
Rotting FleshNuclear Abominations2019