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Maverick City Music

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Maverick City Music

Maverick City Music has been played on NTS shows including New York Naomi, with Melodies from Heaven first played on 23 July 2022.

"Maverick City started with a dream to make space for folk that would otherwise live in their own separate worlds. To break the unspoken rules that exist in the CCM and Gospel World! But I think more importantly to be a mega phone for a community of creatives that have been pushed to the margins of the industry of Church Music. What brings us together, and that sound that is vivaciously smacking you in the face the first time you hit play…

Melodies from Heaven
Maverick City Music, Kirk Franklin, Chandler Moore, Maryanne Joshua George
Tribl Records2022
Melodies from Heaven
Maverick City Music, Kirk Franklin, Chandler Moore, Maryanne Joshua GeorgeTribl Records2022