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John Robinson

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John Robinson

John Robinson has been played on NTS shows including System Olympia, with Friends Of Mrs. S. first played on 10 April 2023.

There are several artists with that name: 1. an American hip-hop artist, 2. a techno rave DJ from Northern Ireland, 3. a baroque English composer and organist, 4. an English organist and choral conductor.

1) John Robinson is an American Hip-hop artist. Born in the South Bronx and raised in Far Rockaway, Queens, this native New Yorker has sojourned through the underground scenes of New Jersey, Atlanta and Los Angeles with the result of creating a sound that is universally magnetic to hip-hop audiences…

Friends Of Mrs. S.
Jackie Orszaczky, Graham Morgan, Peter Jones, John Robinson
Real Records1975
Friends Of Mrs. S.
Jackie Orszaczky, Graham Morgan, Peter Jones, John RobinsonReal Records1975