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Luni Coleone

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Luni Coleone

Luni Coleone has been played on NTS shows including BFDM, with Murder Kill first played on 5 September 2023.

Luni Coleone is a west coast rapper who began his musical career on the streets of Sacramento, California. He began his career under the alias of Lunasicc in the Xorcist album by X-raided which is his cousin. First song was Do you wanna get high?, but changed his name to Luni Coleone in 2000.

His first album was Mr. Lunasicc, which was released in 1997. His newest album is Global Recall, which was released January 17, 2006. Some of Coleone's most famous ballads include "All I Wanna…

Murder Kill
Looney Coleone, Marvaless, Killa Tay
Mo Beatz Records!2004
Murder Kill
Looney Coleone, Marvaless, Killa TayMo Beatz Records!2004