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Guy Van Nueten

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Guy Van Nueten

Guy Van Nueten has been played on NTS shows including Time Is Away, with Corpus Christi Carol first played on 8 December 2023.

Guy Van Nueten (born Turnhout, Belgium, 25 July 1965) is a Belgian pianist, composer and producer.

Van Nueten had piano lessons as a child and underwent some classical training on the instrument, but his musical career took off in pop and rock: he was a member of Belgian indie band, The Sands in the 1990s, after which he enrolled at the conservatory/music academy to study piano, composing and harmony.

Van Nueten composes, performs and records (neo-)classical piano music, but has also composed film scores….

Corpus Christi Carol
Guy Van Nueten, Steve Dugardin
Bolli Records2005
Corpus Christi Carol
Guy Van Nueten, Steve DugardinBolli Records2005