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Luis de Pablo

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Luis de Pablo

Luis de Pablo has been played on NTS in shows including True As Few w/ Mark, featured first on 9 January 2024. Songs played include Solo-Kunst, Tre Fughe da "L 'Arte Della Fuga" di J.S. Bach.

Luis de Pablo (born January 28, 1930) is a Spanish composer.

He was born in Bilbao, living in Madrid from age six and starting to compose aged 12. Although he received composition lessons from Maurice Ohana and Max Deutsch, he was essentially an autodidact in composition. His participation at the Darmstadt courses in 1959 led to the performance of some of his works under Boulez and Maderna.

In Spain, he founded…

Solo-Kunst, Tre Fughe da "L 'Arte Della Fuga" di J.S. Bach
Hartmut Schulz, Maurizio Barbetti, Vaughan Williams, Holst, Schulz, de Pablo
Solo-Kunst, Tre Fughe da "L 'Arte Della Fuga" di J.S. Bach
Hartmut Schulz, Maurizio Barbetti, Vaughan Williams, Holst, Schulz, de PabloStradivarius2017