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The Jades

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The Jades

The Jades has been played on NTS in shows including The NTS Breakfast Show w/ Flo, featured first on 17 January 2024. Songs played include I'm Where It's At.

There have been several bands called The Jades:

1) The Jades was one of the first group of the glam-rock singer Lou Reed. It starts in 1958 and has made only two 7': The Jades, 1958; The Jades - Leave Her For Me, 1958 In 2002 the Norton Records released Lewis Reed and The Jades: "All Tomorrow's Dance Parties"

2) The Jades were a 60's garage rock/garage punk band from Fort Worth, Texas. They recorded many singles, some being on…

I'm Where It's At
The Jades
Nite Life Records1966
I'm Where It's At
The JadesNite Life Records1966