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Major Conflict

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Major Conflict

Major Conflict has been played on NTS in shows including Yesterday's News, featured first on 13 February 2019. Songs played include Still Far Away.

This is The Sound of NYHC in 1983: Teenagers. We took our father’s overcoats and painted NO EDGE on them Flannel shirts or pajama top. Jeans and combat boot. We hung out on the Lower East Side before it became the Upper East Side, at CBGB’s before it became a brand of t-shirt and we were bridge and tunnel before even that too became cool. We helped Major Conflict carry their equipment in shopping carts, and on the subway, because cars were not an option. And this was when…

Still Far Away
Major Conflict
Mad At The World Records2005
Still Far Away
Major ConflictMad At The World Records2005