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120 Days

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120 Days

120 Days was first played on NTS on 4 October 2019. Songs played include Come Out, Come Down, Fade Out, Be Gone.

120 Days found each other in Kristiansund, Norway, but decided if they ever were to reach out to a larger audience they'd need to move to another town. And so they pooled their money, bought an RV and drove it to Oslo and lived rent-free (you don't have to pay rent for the sidewalk) creating music in their tight-quarters studio/mobile home.

Imagine a handful of NEU!, Spacemen 3 and XTRMNTR-era Primal Scream obsessed kids hanging in an RV in a city that sees periods…

Come Out, Come Down, Fade Out, Be Gone
120 Days
Smalltown Supersound, Vice Records2006
Come Out, Come Down, Fade Out, Be Gone
120 DaysSmalltown Supersound, Vice Records2006