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Super Static Fever

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Super Static Fever

Super Static Fever has been played on NTS shows including The Numero Group, with Acid Sweet Happening first played on 17 September 2020.

A band that played so loud their entire fan base went deaf and never spoke of them again. Formed in 1993 in the go-nowhere exurb of San Jose, California, Super Static Fever played only a handful of gigs in their brief two year existence, punishing spectators with a tinnitus-inducing wah-wah wall of Marshall-stacked distortion. Their sound was a mix of Melvins-esque sludge, Swervedriver’s melodic crunch, and latter-day Black Flag’s penchant for volume, as heard from the stock stereo of a hot-boxed 1985…

Acid Sweet Happening
The Super Static Fever
Numero Group2017
Acid Sweet Happening
The Super Static FeverNumero Group2017