Supporter Radio frequently asked questions

  • 55 - 60 minutes, we will have to reject mixes that are any shorter or longer.

  • No, lots of radio shows aren’t mixed. You can just play one song after another without blending them together. Some genres sound good mixed though, so feel free to play around.

  • Yes, you can submit as many mixes as you want to, but we cannot guarantee they will all get broadcast. Please be sure to give each mix a different title though.

  • No, we need you to send us your mix as an .mp3 file, not just a list of songs.

  • Google has lots of resources detailing how to put together a radio show on a program like Garageband or Audacity (https://raydio.co.uk/help/how-to-create-your-own-show/). If for any reason you don’t have access to these, try out some of these free online music production apps

  • No, please make sure you’re totally happy with all elements of your mix before submission.

  • Look out for 3 - 4 iterations of Supporter Radio each year

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