'While preparing this program every month or so, we are compelled to keep moving ahead. Always asking what is the next thing, the next idea? Some programs we have made, and some of the texts they employ, Iinger in our minds, remaining open to the possibility of return. Here, vaguely unsatisfied with our first pass, we are back in the company of W.G. Sebald reading from his final book Austerlitz. And, for no other reason than it seemed to fit, the music of British composer Laurence Crane accompanies Sebald’s voice.'
'While preparing this program every month or so, we are compelled to keep moving ahead. Always asking what is the next thing, the next idea? Some programs we have made, and some of the texts they employ, Iinger in our minds, remaining open to the possibility of return. Here, vaguely unsatisfied with our first pass, we are back in the company of W.G. Sebald reading from his final book Austerlitz. And, for no other reason than it seemed to fit, the music of British composer Laurence Crane accompanies Sebald’s voice.'