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Are You Before w/ Brannten Schnüre
Are You Before w/ Brannten Schnüre
05.03.18 · Glasgow

Are You Before w/ Brannten Schnüre

With Brannten Schnüre

Are You Before presents a special guest mix from the experimental folk group Brannten Schnüre.

Words from Brannten Schnüre: "This is a selection of music that inspired Brannten Schnüre. Songs from the past and present times, mostly instrumentals, all dripping with longing, sadness and passion. And among this urban mysticism, a song from our unreleased album 'Erinnerungen an Gesichter' which will be released on Kiran Sande's new label 'Low Company' this summer."

Illustration by Christian Schoppik of Brannten Schnüre.

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