Mix by Andrea Zarza, selection with Alice Rudge. Thanks to recordist Dr. Emmanuelle Olivier for her careful research, and for her kind permission for the use of her recordings. We dedicate this programme to the Ju|’hoansi performers who feature in the collection.
One hour of unpublished ethnographic field recordings featuring music and sound recorded on DAT tape by Emmanuelle Olivier during her ethnomusicological fieldwork with Ju|’hoansi people in the Nyae Nyae area of the Kalahari, Namibia, in ||xa|oba and ||auru villages. Healing dances are interspersed with initiation songs, instrumental music, and recordings of Ju|’hoan daily life.
Mix by Andrea Zarza, selection with Alice Rudge. Thanks to recordist Dr. Emmanuelle Olivier for her careful research, and for her kind permission for the use of her recordings. We dedicate this programme to the Ju|’hoansi performers who feature in the collection.
One hour of unpublished ethnographic field recordings featuring music and sound recorded on DAT tape by Emmanuelle Olivier during her ethnomusicological fieldwork with Ju|’hoansi people in the Nyae Nyae area of the Kalahari, Namibia, in ||xa|oba and ||auru villages. Healing dances are interspersed with initiation songs, instrumental music, and recordings of Ju|’hoan daily life.
Read more about the show in the full detailed tracklist written by Alice Rudge.